Friday, February 12, 2010


I tried to follow everything happening in Haiti. But after a while it just became very depressing: especially this CNN report about medication stuck in the airport. They showed all these hospitals in desperate need of antibiotics and other medication and how it was in boxes at the airport. Then the reporter went to the airport just asked for some stuff, got it and took it to the hospital. The reason hospitals weren't getting the medication was because there was no fuel to get vehicals to the hospitals. That seemed so stupid to me - there were thousands of US military there - why couldn't a few dozen couldn't just pack backpacks with medication and bring it there themselves?! It's not like food and water where you need loads, you would need a backpack a day...
So I stopped following the news. I actually thought of going there to volunteer. Maybe I still will when I figure out what I could possibly do to be of help! Not feeling particularly useful at the moment...

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