Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bus trips

In many guidebooks there are warnings about buses in SEA. I haven't really been on a bad one actually. The trip were quite nice - I watched a whole movie in Thai. It was a romantic comedy. It was pretty romantic and really funny - even when you don't know what they're saying. It was obviously even more funny for those who did know what they were saying - the whole bus erupted with laughter every once in a while when I had no idea what's going on. It was one of those cute films about a shy awkward girl who falls in love with this guy and obviously she has a friend who's the exact opposite of her who tries to help...OK so the idea isn't really new, but I have to say it was pretty creative in the execution. A refreshing change from Hollywood. In general I quite like Thai movies: I've seen a couple now. One was a drama based on true events about a teacher who helps a group of teenage boys who get caught up with drugs.. The other was a horror film and it was really good. I have to admit I had to stop watching it midway because it was scary and I was all alone. But the half I did see was pretty original.

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