Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I just finished a book called "The Yes Man" by Danny Wallace. It is a brilliant book! Nothing in common with the Hollywood film, though, surprisingly, because it was supposed to be based on it... It is an inspiring tale of what great things can happen if you just let them...by saying Yes to everything.
So I decided to do just that. for a few days. See what happens. (Yes, I realize it's not a self-help book...but...I mean...maybe?)
So this is what happened:
Day 1.
I was really inspired. I figured I'm so bored anyway that whatever happens as a result of saying yes it'll be fun. So I waited for an opportunity to present itself...an invitation...a suggestion...I waited and waited...and waited some more. Nothing happened. Nobody e-mailed me, nobody called to invite me somewhere. I ended up watching TV as one does in a situation like this. Even there nobody made any suggestions - only once they came close: "Do you want to experience television like never before?" they asked. -"Yes!!" - "Then experience it in high definition. It's like watching television for the first time." Sounds exciting - my TV isn't showing particularly well even in standard definition. OK...? Now what? Well, it's available starting next month..wait for details. Wait? Sure, I can do that... They didn't insist that I call somewhere or anything. Which is probably for the better - it's African television, a call there would cost me a fortune!
However, every time a show ended they'd say - stay with us for..something else. So I had to say yes. As a result I consumed a lethal amount of television. I ended up turning it off in the middle of a movie, which isn't really cheating because they didn't say I had to stay with them for the entire time..
Later I went out for something to eat. Even if the Thai people were in fact suggesting something I had no idea they were doing it so I couldn't say Yes.
That was day one...

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